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Welcome to the West40 Education Foundation, a 501c3, not-for-profit organization that helps bring life to the belief, mission and vision of West40 ISC #2 so that every child in West Cook county has a chance for success.


We will meet kids where they are.

We will be what they need.

We will walk further with them.

We will stand strong with them.


Recognized as a model for the state, West40 serves 38 school districts and three co-ops in West Cook County, changing lives in one of the most populated areas in Illinois and creating ripple effects throughout the state through various student-centric support programs and professional services. 


Our student programs serve over 3,000 students in grades 4–12+ and we walk alongside them in breaking down barriers to their chance of success. We see ourselves as enablers that open pathways for them to thrive, impacting communities and ultimately changing the innate rhythms that have governed West Cook County.


To help students thrive, we need your help. 


assist us to ensure kids have every opportunity possible to become who they are meant to be regardless of their past or circumstances.

T O G E T H E R , W E  C R E A T E  R I P P L E S

We believe that every person, no matter their history, can turn their life around. And when we work together for the good of the kids, the ripple effect can be seen throughout our whole community. 

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